WOBR Government Website

History/About Us

The World Order Box Republic or WOBR is a union state that was created after the Civil War of Boxes that occurred in 2021. Afterwards, empire leader, Elo and republic leader, Sarah, formed WOBR. After the original 5 declared independence from another nation, we went on to go to Middle school, where are population increased by a lot!

Currently, many projects such as Box River, Factional Division, and Operation: Clubbin’ are in action, and many changes are benefiting the order for good!

Currently, we have 3 Presidents, several territories, and a lot of citizens!!! :D

It’s not a cult, it’s a way of life.

-President Sarah


We the boxes, unified against the government, united under 2 beacons, born from that one time in science fair. We the Boxes of WOBR, in order to establish a glorious Order, create peace and justice, to ensure the safety of our Boxes, to provide defense for the defenseless, and to establish a perfect society. We secure the independence of our 2 nations combined, ordain this constitution to create the World Order Box Republic.

We amend our values, creating balance and order within our glorious order, creating amendments to protect the rights and boxes. May there be a problem, the executives, or governments of the WOBR, may amend the constitution, creating more amendments for the benefit of the Boxes.

The best amendments ever.

1 – No starting arson without an officially ranked arsonist (Higher than level 3)

If desired person wants to start arson, an arsonist must be present to continue arson.

2 – Freedom of speech

You have freedom of speech, no matter what anyone says. Unless you are talking bad about thy boxes.

3 - The Box Empire can be spoken about (Changed on 9/16/2023)

The Box Empire is under full control of Elo and is an army that is allowed to be spoke about now.

4 – Secrets must be kept between the presidents

Eaves – dropping is prohibited and shall not be present in WOBR headquarters. Talking behind our backs is fine, but if it’s extreme, like telling someone to start a revolution, you shall be exiled.

5 – Only Cardboard boxes are allowed

We shall not speak about wooded, plastic, glass, metal, concrete, jewelry, etc., boxes. Only cardboard boxes.

6 – Join the Roblox Group

All members of the Box Republic need to join the Roblox group of glorious Republic. It is a mandatory amendment. LCE/LCI Members usually get officer ranks. If you don’t have Roblox, don’t worry.

7 – Advertising for the Box Republic is allowed

If the advertisement is promoting WOBR is a good and healthy way, all forms of advertisement to gain new members is accepted and allowed. (If its extreme, gain permission from a higher ranked member).

8 – Exiled members aren’t allowed to rejoin after being exiled.

If a member is exiled due to reasons (could be constant disrespect or lack of activity), they aren’t allowed to join back into WOBR, and won’t ever be able to again.

9 – Military Enlistment

If a member of WOBR wants to join the military, they are to go to the nearest military enlistment box or ask a high ranking directly. They will be assigned the lowest ranking in the military unless told otherwise.

10 – Presidency Passdown

The line of passdown goes from President -> their Vice president - > Warlord - >

Ambassador - > Chief of Warfare - > any potential candidates for presidency



